Happy March
everyone! Too bad here in Saskatchewan it’s -40C, so much for spring, eh? Today’s post is going to be a complete overview of our February budget. This
was the first month were we really were meticulous about tracking where our
money was going and hubby made it all into a neat pie graph.
(She's real pretty isn't she?)
Debt Repayment: (43%)
Debt Repayment: (43%)
We worked our butts off this month and were able to put nearly
$3000 towards our debt. Hubby got his raise that was due back in October so one
of his pay cheques was a lot more then usual. My goal is to definitely keep
this number up above $2000 in the coming months.
Savings: (9%)
$400 went to our Emergency Fund and yesterday we hit our
first goal of having $5000! This number will also be a bit higher next month as
we have an appointment to discuss RRSP with our financial advisor. This is the
first time investing so we are both really excited and nervous to loose our
investing virginity! Lol Wish us luck!
Food: (8%)
A bit higher then usual as we went to the city to stock up
on a few things that are more difficult to get in our small town – and my
husband did a few shops on his own this month so that kind of messed up my
usually extremely planned out shopping trips. He’s getting much better though
about purchasing things that are on sale! One thing at a time I suppose.
Shopping: (10%)
Again this number was a lot higher then usually due too the
city trip. My goal is to have it under $200.00 next month.
Personal: (3%)
$100 of this was birthday gifts for a few friends of ours;
the other $80 was for things like Netflix’s, two eBooks I purchased, a prescription
and hubby purchased a video game expansion. There isn’t too much to do in a
small town so this number is always pretty low.
Home: (12%)
Mortgage payment, insurance, and all that really fun stuff!
It’ll be a bit more next month as we have a plan to paint our main floor
bathroom, but those are all the home improvements we have planned next month,
as it’s just too cold to do anything else!
Utilities: (6%)
Boooooring. This number might be a tiny bit higher next
month, as I believe our water bill (which comes every 3 months) will be due.
Transportation: (9%)
$360 of this number went to car payments; the rest was fuel
and insurance.
To sum up February, I think we did
pretty well. Our biggest accomplishment was paying off all our credit cards and
still being able to put $2000 on the LOC. That was a really exciting day for
us, lol. There is definitely room for improvement and our trip to the city kind
of threw us off bit, but that’s why I’m tracking this: to see where we can
improve and were we are doing really well. :) I really love being able to see where our money is going. It makes me excited
to see with Debt Repayment being such a large percentage what we will be able
to accomplish once that debt it gone! Hopefully those days aren’t too far away…