Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Meal Prep Weekend & Grocery Spending

The weekend of the 9th was the prefect storm for doing some batch cooking at home. We literally had rain storms on and off all day so it was the amazing day to stay inside. G switched to nights at the beginning of the week and then we left for a camping trip so I wanted easy meal starters to have in our fridge. Basically all the prep work is done we just have to throw together a meal we are craving!

I quickly made up this super simple Buffalo Chicken Salad in our food processor for a few lunches during the week. I love serving this on a Tomato & Basil Rice Cake with cucumbers on the side. The nice thing about this recipe is it’s one that taste way better the next day! Next time I go to make this I’m going to make a double batch - which should get me thru the entire work week. 

I also roasted a chicken like I mentioned in my last post. I was able to pick off 1lb 7oz of chicken, which we will have with lunches or dinners. We didn’t get thru all the meat before we left so I froze some of the meat for meal ideas later.

My sister sent my a Reddit link that showed someone making Roasted Butternut Squash and Cauliflower tacos. I happened to have both butternut squash and cauliflower at home so I figured this was meant to be! If you are looking for a way to go meatless for a meal I would HIGHLY recommend this recipe. I made everything except the avocado mash (Irony: my $10.00 avocados did not ripen in time) nor did I pickle my onions (personal preference). I also knew I needed to prune my basil pot, so I was brain storming some ideas and looking for some recipes when I stumbled across this roasted corn, rice and pesto salad. I figured it would be a great side or on the tacos themselves. Again: I was blown away with how good this turned out. I didn’t have any fresh corn so I actually rehydrated some dehydrated corn (I do this myself) and roasted that on a cookie sheet. This recipe makes a lot of salad but again, it was amazing to have during the week. 

We had two trips to the store last week: $20.53 & $137.46. The bigger shopping trip was G picking up items for our camping trip last weekend. We went with some friends and each of us was in charge of different meals. If you can’t tell with our list, we were in charge of pizza bush pies. We definitely over estimated the amounts we needed but we have been using the meats as snacks and froze an entire loaf of bread.

I had the worst migraine Wednesday night that lasted into Thursday, so G had picked me up some Mr Noodles because I was severely dehydrated from throwing up. He also bought the Epson Salts so I could take a bath and try to relax. He did a really good job at the store and got so many items on sale! 
  • Produce
  • Diary
    • Coffee Creamer - $3.84
    • Sour Cream - $5.69
    • Margarine - $3.49 - We cannot take butter camping, it gets too cold in the cooler, so camping is the only time we eat margarine
    • Shredded Mozzarella - $5.99 (sale)
    • Shredder Cheddar Mozzarella - $5.99 (sale)
    • Cheese Curds - $5.99 (sale)
  • Meat
    • Salami - $10.99
    • 2 Pepperoni Packages - $9.98 (sale)
    • Pepperoni Sticks - $9.29
    • Ham Slices - $6.49
  • Breads/Baked Goods
    • 2 loaves Wonder Breads - $6.00 (sale)
    • Hot Dog Buns - $3.00 (sale)
    • Burger Buns - $3.00 (sale)
  • Pantry
    • 4 Rice Cakes Packages - $11.00 (sale) - I eat these with cottage cheese for lunch most days
    • 4 cans of red kidney beans - $5.96 (sale)
    • 4 cans of black beans - $5.96 (sale)
    • Hazelnut Spread - $4.99 (sale) - This is a treat for G when we go camping, he likes making dessert bush pies with hazelnut spread and bananas 
    • Canada Dry Tonic Bottles - $6.26 (sale) - Another camping must have for G, Gin and Tonic’s is his drink of choice
    • Canada Dry Ginger Beer Bottles - $6.26 (sale) - Moscow mules are my drink of choice right now so this was a camping must have for me!
    • San Pellegrino Lemon Cans - $8.51 
    • 2 Pizza Sauces (squeeze bottles) - $5.98
    • Fibre1 Bars - $4.99
    • 3 Mr Noodles - $6.27
  • Misc
    • Epson Salts - $8.99
  • Household
On Monday we were in the city for a medical appointment and we did a big shop at Costco. We stocked up on a lot of items we were running out of. I’ll go over our spending for this week in a later post but we are trying really hard not to go grocery shopping for the rest of the month. Finger’s crossed that we can eat from our stock pile!

- M

Sunday, 10 July 2022

Grocery Spending & Reduced Food Waste

As a way to be a bit more accountable and to keep better track of my grocery budget, I’m going to try to have an update every week with any grocery spending. This week we spend $38.91:

    5 pound bag of carrots - $2.50 (sale)
    1 red onion - $1.67 (sale)
    2 lemons - $1.98
    1 bunch celery - $3.99
    3 organic avocados - $10.47 (… yeah, all the store had was organic - thinking about this now I should     
        have seen how much the pre made guacamole was…)
    Vanilla bean gelato- $9.99
    Romaine lettuce seeds - $2.09
    One of those microwave lunches - $5.99 (I needed to eat something quickly before my dentist     
        appointment so I grab one of these that day)

I’m excited to see how the rest of the year will play out for us in this area of our budget! It’s the area I feel I can definitely improve and be more mindful - but also an area I feel personal in control. Even with rising food prices and inflation (out of my control), I can choose to be a different consumer (great example above being the avocados and not looking how much the guacamole is). I don’t like assuming anything so I want this data!

A huge focus for us is reducing our food waste. Yesterday, we were invited to a friends for dinner. I made a Skillet Mixed Berry Cobbler  for bring for dessert. The past month or so, whenever we purchase any berries, while I’m cleaning and prepping, I sort my berries. I used to throw out the berries that were subpar or starting to go bad. Now, instead of throwing them out (with some exceptions) I freeze those berries instead. Two weeks ago, G and I had forgotten about some strawberries in the fridge and we had a ton of other fruit to eat up. So I diced up the strawberries and added them to the bag I already had going. Obviously, we try to eat this all fresh but sometimes it doesn’t happen. I feel much better repurposing in a different way than throwing it out. It’s similar to my bag of veggie scraps I have frozen to make stock. Anyways, so I was able to use up all that fruit in the freezer to make the cobbler. The only thing I had to purchase was the gelato!  

A few weeks ago G made a baked spinach artichoke dip. He purchase a giant bag of spinach and didn’t need all of it. We mixed some in for our salad during the week but we still had too much to use. I dehydrated 6 trays of spinach to grind into spinach powder. I’m excited to use this to colour pasta next time we do a big batch! G has also been mixing some into his smoothies. 

Today I roasted a chicken for this weeks lunches and dinners and saved the carcass/skins to make stock later!

I’m lucky I have a lot of space in the freezer to keep all these items for later use but I love getting creative :)

Any tips you want to share about food waste let me know!

- M

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Budget Update & Wheat Berries

I was able to update my budget spreadsheet with our spending for June. This gave us 6 months of data to see how we are doing so far this year.

The biggest item I wanted to really watch this year was our grocery budget. Last year we spend roughly $600.00/month and I think I wanted to try to reduce this to $500.00/month for 2022. So far we are averaging $716.42/month… Yikes. I’m hoping as the year progresses the 1/4 beef purchase of $850.00 we made in January continues to average out. I’m also going to start being a bit more accountable on my blog - writing down our weekly purchases. This might be interesting to look back on later, to see how prices are changing (or not changing) where we live. 

One grocery item we won’t have to worry about purchasing for a while is flour! G and I have been researching and being a bit more conscious about the foods we have been eating. We have been trying to reduce G’s cholesterol naturally thru diet and exercise after a surprising blood test at the beginning of the year. After losing his father to a heart attack last year - we didn’t want to mess around. Being conscious of what we’ve been eating has been great. I personally track everything on MyFitnessPal as a way to keep an eye on my macro’s and making me aware of what I’ve been doing good with, but also not so good with. For example: my fibre intake is not good, but I also learned I don’t consume any trans-fats! So I’m trying to adjust and find snacks, meals, etc that I can start to incorporate. I’ve lost over 5 pounds just by adjusting my diet! 

Anyways: back to the flour! G and I had been researching wheat berries and how to grind our own flour. Wheat berries have amazing health benefits since they are a whole grain (literally). They are a great source a fibre, help reduce bad cholesterol and really high in protein. One great thing about living where we do is I know a lot of farmers. ;) I was talking to a coworker during coffee and he said he can give G and I a 5 gallon bucket full of Hard Red Wheat Berries grown last year! He had cleaned the seed last year but didn’t plant all of it this year. Since last year was (unfortunately) a bad drought year, this specific wheat was really high in protein (over 15% when he got it tested at the elevators). The coworker didn’t want anything for the grain; but G and I are going to throw together a thank you basket & bring him and his family a loaf of bread once we’ve mastered baking with fresh flour (it is a bit of a learning curve). 

In all, he gave us a little under 40lbs of wheat berries and one nice thing if stored correctly, these will last forever. 1 cups of wheat berries makes about 1 1/2 - 2 cups of flour. If you cannot tell, I’m extremely excited about this, lol. 

Although, this will save us money in the long term, I did invest in a grain mill. I purchase the NutriMill Classic on Amazon, which cost me $532.79. BIG investment, but I did pay for this out of my personal spending money - not the house funds. I figured this was a luxury kitchen gadget and I had extra spending money.

I’m hoping the grain mill will arrive next week so I can try to bake a loaf or two this month. I’ll keep this blog updated with the successes (or failures)! Enough farm talk for today :) 

- M