Sunday, 1 March 2015


It’s not Spring here yet, but I’ve definitely been Spring-cleaning. Well, more like spring de-cluttering. Our spare bedroom is in a state controlled chaos; different piles scattered around for donating or selling. The donation items I’ve slowly been moving into boxes as they become available – and once most of the snow has melted I will call for a pick up from the Canadian Diabetes. So far I have 4 boxes with another giant overflowing Rubbermaid container of stuff waiting for a box.

I’ve actually been organizing and pairing down since the New Year, writing down all the things I’ve been able to get rid of. I’m just over 400 items and there is still A LOT to go thru. Today alone I have two garbage bags worth of trash and was able to add a few more items to the donate pile. It’s crazy how much stuff we haven’t even touched since our move here. When we have our next move I definitely think I won’t unpack everything right away, just as we need certain things. Might be very eye opening how little we actually need (I'm pretty sure this is what the Minimalist guys did if I remember correctly).

G even thought it might be a good idea to scan any old bills that we might want to keep and start making the switch to paperless, saving any new bills to an external harddrive. That’s actually what I think I will do today – go thru our filing cabinet and see what I can shred. I have VISA statements way back from 2008 that I’m pretty sure I don’t need anymore and I have no idea why I’m hanging on to them.


I stepped away from writing this post and went thru a few of the file folders. I guess I couldn’t wait, lol. I have a ton of paper to shred now as I double checked and all my credit card statements are available online. I still have more files to go thru but it’s a good start.

I have been enjoying cleaning and organizing small sections of our house at a time. Slowly but surely it’ll get done & this way it's not too overwhelming J

- M

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